Below are the answers to a few common questions. Many questions such as what to expect can be found on my ‘Etiquette’ page here.
Frequently Asked Questions
What kinds of clients do you accept?
I will accept clients of all races, ethnicities, ages, and experience levels.
When you contact me I assess whether I think we would be suited and whether I can provide the kind of experience you are looking for. Your communication and attitude towards me doing our booking process is a major deciding factor in whether I accept a booking.
When you initially get in touch with me I will ask where you’re from, not to exclude ethnicity but because it will help me understand if there are cultural differences or language issues coming through in your communication. I will ask your age for the same reason and my only requirement is that all suitors be at least 21 years of age and will require a quick glance at your ID if you appear to be younger.
Are you currently accepting new clients?
Yes, I am currently accepting new clients. To arrange some sensual and exciting time with me, please fill out my booking form. Any information you give me is private for my eyes only.
I have never seen an escort before, is that okay?
Absolutely. In fact I am the perfect choice for a nervous first timer and would love to be your introduction to the world of paid companionship.
Please take your time to get to know me a little by browsing my website before reaching out to arrange an encounter. I can’t wait to meet you!
Do you provide references to other providers/escorts?
Yes, absolutely. As a form of security it is helpful to offer a reference to an escort and this practice is become more common throughout the industry. I am happy to serve as a reference if I have seen you within the past year.
Do you ever provide oral or full sex without a condom?
No. You may not be aware but this is illegal in New Zealand. It is also very risky in terms of sexually transmitted infections. My health and that of my lovers is of paramount importance to me please read more about how to play safely here.
What do you wear on dates?
I am always immaculately presented and adore to dress up in beautiful lingerie, stockings and stiletto heels. I usually wear simple but stylish outerwear especially while on dinner/lunch encounters. Dress, smart casual or casual to suit your own attire, the venue or occasion. Let me know what you would prefer.
You asked me for a deposit, why?
Perhaps you have asked for a long booking? I ask for deposits for long bookings to ensure you’re genuine before I block out a large chunk of my available time. I take limited bookings and to lose a whole evening to someone who doesn’t show up is very upsetting. If you have previously cancelled I may ask for a deposit to ensure you are committed to making another booking if you aren’t it’s best you wait into you are sure of your schedule before. Please see my deposits and cancellation policy for a full explanation of terms and conditions.
Why do you ask me for personal details?
Do not be offended by this and respect my need for screening as an independent escort. Your information is for my eyes only and you are not at risk in any way. You may be a trustworthy person but unfortunately there are dangerous and undesirables out there and I’m sure you understand that screening is a way of staying safe but also I have no desire to be intimate with someone I know nothing about so it allows me to feel like we already know each other a little before meeting!